Danie’s Darling Doodles was created in 2017 along with my family to make “Doodles of Perfection” a trusted resource to find homes for families looking for quality doodle breeds.
We are Licensed by state of Michigan to breed and located Northern Michigan. All puppies and parents are raised in home by me. They are raised on ENS/ ESI training (info on both listed below) starting at 3 days old, they come with 1 year health guarantee, puppy contract, health tested parents, 30 days of free health insurance, raised on parts of the puppy culture curriculum, lifetime support from me, vet checked and UTD on vaccinations.What is ESI/ENS?
Early scent introduction (ESI) is a training program for puppies designed to enhance their ability to identify, and react to, specific scents. Each day, the trainer introduces a strong scent to the puppy for brief intervals, and records the puppy’s reaction. The reaction is considered to be positive when the puppy shows interest in the scent, moving toward it. A negative reaction is recorded when the puppy tries to get away from the scent. And finally, when a puppy is neither interested nor disinterested in the scent, this is a neutral reaction. For practical purposes, these results mean the potential for even better companion, service, and therapy dogs. Scent abilities are often very important. Just as an example, when a dog is a companion to a child with autism, his main function is likely to be a guardian of sorts, since children with autism can have a tendency to wander or run off. If the dog is able to easily follow the child’s scent and locate him or her, that could actually be a life-saving asset.
Early Neurological Stimulation, or ENS. It was developed by the US military and known as the “Bio Sensor Program,” and later referred to by the public as the “Super Dog Program.” ENS is believed by some experts to enhance the natural abilities of dogs and give them a superior advantage. It involves subjecting pups aged 3-16 days to 5 forms of stimulation that lead to “stress.” It is said to benefit puppy development in 5 ways:
Improved heart rate
Stronger heartbeats
Stronger adrenal glands
Better tolerance to stress
Greater resistance to disease